Scientific Program

Click here "Scientific Program ICPEM2023"


Conference location:

The conference will take place at the

"Bloc de recherche" Pavilion

at the Faculty of Science, Agadir.


Information for authors

Guidelines for Speakers

Duration of oral presentations:
Plenary talk - 30 min total. Ideal breakdown: 25 min presentation + 5 min for Q&As
Oral contribution - 15 min total. Ideal breakdown: 12 min presentation + 3 min for Q&As

All presentations must be uploaded in advance (at least before the session starts) on the computer in the room where the presentation will take place. This laptop will be running Windows and the presentations should be in the Microsoft Power Point or PDF format. There will be a possibility to present from the speaker’s own laptop, however the speaker is responsible for bringing the appropriate adapter, testing the laptop connection and the presentation before the session.

Guidelines for Posters

The poster board dimensions are 80 cm width x 125 cm height, meaning just over A0 format in “portrait”. Attachment tools will be arranged for fixing the posters on the boards.
The poster presenters are invited to display their posters during the days of the conference. The poster boards will be removed after the poster session on Friday.


Registration and Payment Methods 

  • The payment of registration fees is made by bank transfer,
  • The participation fee covers: registration, coffee-breaks, lunchs and conference material,
  • A copy of the payment receipt must be sent to the following email address:    Email:
  • Students must send, in addition to the payment receipt, a copy of the student card to the email address:
  • For more onformation, please visit the following link:

International Conference on Plasma and Energy Materials


LMER in collaboration with

Association du Sud pour la Promotion de la Recherche Scientifique

Organize the:

2nd International Conference on Plasma and Energy Materials-ICPEM2023

February 23-24, 2023

Agadir, Morocco


The aim of ICPEM2023, which will be held in Agadir, Morocco, from 23rd to 24th February 2023, is to provide a platform for researchers and scientists from all over the world to share their works and to exchange ideas on recent developments in plasma and energy. The conference will focus on several topics including plasmas and applications, materials for energy harvesting. The ICPEM is addressed to physicists, chemists and biologists engaged in fundamental and applied research devoted to the above mentioned topics. All interested participants are kindly invited to communicate the latest results of their scientific work in one of the ICPEM subject areas.



Submission Deadline

for Abstracts 

November 20, 2022

 November 28, 2022


For more information, please contact ICPEM2023 secretary:

Alyen Abahazem

Faculty of Sciences, Ibn Zohr University



 Please check this website regularly for the latest information.


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